Brandon Johnson Mayoral Election Rally
It is really amazing how far you can get in this world by just being a nice person.
When I saw that Brandon Johnson and Bernie Sanders were going to have a rally in Chicago. I immediately emailed Johnson’s press email to ask for a pass to the event. I got confirmed and eventually filled out an RSVP. When I arrived at the event, I was told that they couldn’t find my website (cue making this exact website so I don’t experience this again), and that I would have to go in through the main GA entrance. I knew security wouldn’t let me in with all my camera equipment, so I name dropped the person who sent me the original email. That exact person came out and spoke to me, asked me questions about who I was shooting with, to which I responded “uhh — myself? I think”. He responded “Listen, I’m going to give you a pass because you seem like a nice guy. But if you screw us over, you’ll never shoot again”.
Of course, I’m here to actually take some photos. I had just sat on a bus for 70 minutes with all my lenses, 3 batteries, and an extra camera body (just in case). The LAST thing I’m going to do is work this hard just to pull a prank.
Though, I do understand their hesitation. At this point for them, I’m a random no-name. I could really have been a jerk. I’m just extremely happy Brandon’s staff had some faith in me.
What a way to build a portfolio!
Being in front of all the audience to take pictures was crazy. When Bernie Sanders came on stage, the energy in the room went up so much. About the first 75 photos I took of Bernie are blurry because of how excited I was to be here.
This is just a classic Bernie Photo.
Then, when Johnson came on stage, I saw so many photographers rushing to the side to get the up close shot of him walking on stage. I figured, since I didn’t see Bernie moving, I wanted to get the first shots of them interacting on stage, a handshake, a hug, whatever. But then I snagged this shot:
If you recognize this shot… it’s because Johnson’s campaign used it in their mass email the following day. My only regret is not using a wider lens to get all the context of the shot. But it kind of shows why so many of the photographers there had 2 or 3 camera bodies out and ready to snap. You can miss 1000 great shots in the time it takes to do 1 lens swap.
I sent out the album the next day to the member of Johnson’s staff and thanked him for his faith in me. I wish I could say the names of all the extremely nice people I met that day, but I don’t think I should keep name dropping them :).